Assignment 3 – Poster

I chose “Jazz Evening” as the basis of my poster. Obviously, I began the process with a simple mood board with themes I related to the subject. This including a typical solo saxophone player, a jazz band silhouette (although I was looking for something a little more art deco in nature), a jazz bar, an actual jazz evening poster (in which I have noticed a recurring occurrence of Cosmopolitans/ Margheritas in foreground).

Using the elements from the mood board, I create a few compositions, as instructed, and to get a better idea of what I might be able to create around the general “Jazz Evening” theme. Of all the compositions, I chose these two as they made a lot more sense and were more aligned with what I wanted to eventually create.

Following this, I created the line drawing versions of the posters I had in mind using the compositions above as reference.

By the end of it, I produced this poster. While it is very simple in nature, what I was aiming for something very comprehensible and easily identifiable by a person, even if they can’t read the font above. And some details at the bottom that direct you to the timings, the date and the venue of the occassion, i.e., Jazz Night.

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