Exercise: Giving Instructions

For this exercise I chose to express the way I make tea for myself on most days. I started by creating a rough idea on paper of what I wanted to do for this exercise: assets, tone, style and whatnot.

Following this I began working on digitally illustrating the assets on photoshop, starting with a rough, unrendered version, and using that as the base for actual illustrations:

I wanted to keep the actual assets simple in design, nothing particularly sophisticated or lofty in nature, at the same time keep them simple enough for a person to be able to instantly recognise them:

The next stage was designing the graphic that would serve as support for the written and illustrated content. Here as well, I kept the design very simple, since the act of brewing herbal tea in itself is a rather simple thing to do; very minimalistic in nature. Once I added the assets and written content to the graphic, it ended up looking something like this.

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