Exercise: Abstract Illustration

For this exercise I chose to listen to the music of Miles Davis; a song called “So What”. An interesting piece of Jazz music that led me to created absolute randomness on paper. The process basically involved taking a sheet of paper, and scribbling lines that felt right as per what I was listening to, and focusing on a square shaped piece of the scribble. The sketch looked like this halfway through the song and where I decided I was done:

I then cropped a square out of the image, toyed a little with the contrast, exposure, and haze to make the lines more visible, and rendered the image on photoshop following the editing. The end product looked like this:

Since the music had this weird sense of rhythm, not quite upbeat but bouncy, and also had this strong sense of blissful and carefree improvisation, I decided to use bright colours especially from the fluorocent range in most parts of the scribble. The darker, duller blues, greys and blue-greys were used to bring a sense of balance within the square, perhaps also serving as a representation of the lower moments in the song.

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