Exercise: Reading an image

The image seems to be about two children walking in on a sleeping dragon inside a cave protecting a heap of treasure. One of the children pointing towards the outside of the cave, perhaps intending to warn the other of some danger.

A possible interpretation of the image would be that there are two children who came in search for the treasure in a dark cave, hence the torch, but they aren’t all that surprised to see a dragon huddling around the treaure. One of the children seems to want to try and approach the dragon, perhaps to take some amount of the treasure, or to awaken the dragon, or with a plan the audience isn’t meant to know. The other child is more visibly concerned, he is either pointing outside the cave so as to say that someone is approaching the cave that might compromise their plan, or that they should leave before things get serious with the dragon. In conclusion, the simplest explanation would be that both children have successfully found a treasure trove in a hidden cave but are perplexed and terrified by the situation because of the dragon guarding the treasure, which may possibly suggest why others may have tried to take the treasure and failed miserably, hence the weapons and armor around.

The palette is very saturated in nature and includes both, extremely warm tones and extremely cool tones. Two regions within the image are extremely warm and saturated, particularly the dragon and the reflection of the fire from the torch off the walls of the cave. The warmth reduces in strength when it comes to the reflections of the fire on the surfaces of the dragon, the children and the armor.

The green in the image serves as a middle ground but also establishes itself as rather powerful within the warm-cool dynamic and is placed in a similar way: one of the children is dressed in bright green, which becomes eye-catching against the blue walls and floors of the cave, and from there we move upward as the intensity of the reflected light on the cave wall reduces. Our attention then flows towards the chair which then brings our focus to the gold and then the dragon.

The texture on the dragon is smooth in comparison to the other warm region, i.e., the walls of the cave above the child with the torch, where the texture is rather ironic, considering the cave is cold and dark, but when combined with the light from the torch, produces and image that almost resembles molten lava, perhaps to emphasise on the tension in the minds of the children or the danger of the dragon. Texture is also rather prominent on the floors of the cave, with a gravel-like consistency; this in combination with the blue brings about a tactile feeling of a cold rocky surface, and in contrast to the smooth surface of the sleeping dragon, does somewhat intensify the feeling of danger.

The hotter the element, the more relevant it is to the story.

The hierarchy would start with the dragon, followed by the children, the chair/throne , the treasure, the warm coloured wall, the two piles of armor, the floor towards the entrance of the cave and finally the cave depths.

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